I’m a writer, editor, and project manager. After spending some time between the US, Scandinavia and Turkey, I graduated from Bogazici University and moved to New York City in 2011, then called it home for seven years.

Previously, I was a staff editor for BULLETTNylon, and Wayward Wild, a media incubator. Other than writing and editing, I produced events, launched e-commerce sites, and worked as a copywriter and fact checker for these brands. I also worked with Hearst Digital on their industry-leading Snap publication, Sweet.

My writing has appeared in The New York Times, i-D, VICE, Office Magazine, Munchies, Culinary Backstreets, and Dazed Digital among others. (And you can hear what I sound like on BBC World Service’s The Conversation!) I worked on the rebranding/transition of Zero Istanbul, a city magazine into Year Zero, a glossy quarterly. I was the editor-in-chief for the brand’s first print issue.

At my last full-time position prior to new motherhood, I was part of the core team that worked on the opening of OMM – Odunpazarı Modern Museum in Eskisehir, Turkey. As the editorial director at OMM, I created and oversaw content for print and web, including a book on the OMM building, designed by Kengo Kuma and Associates, as well as the museum’s first few exhibition catalogues. I produced and hosted podcasts for OMM and lead a small team around podcast projects (episodes, in Turkish.) I continue to serve as a member of board at OMM Foundation.

My works are often quoted in academia and were referenced in research projects and books, including in “Populism, Authoritarianism and Necropolitics: Instrumentalization of Martyrdom Narratives in AKP’s Turkey” (Erturk and Yilmaz, Palgrave Macmillan, 2023) and “We’ll Play Till We Die: Journeys across a Decade of Revolutionary Music in the Muslim World” (LeVine, University of California Press, 2022.)

I write a newsletter called Tutto at Aposto which you can read/sign up for here. I’m based in Rotterdam and available for select freelance projects and hosting/speaking engagements.

Portrait and home page photograph by Anastasiia Chorna.


Açık Radyo – for OMM (in Turkish)

Aposto! Playground (in Turkish)

Monocle – The People Who Made OMM

AIGA Eye on Design – Year Zero

Bigumigu (in Turkish)

Istanbul-In-Between (in Turkish)

AIGA Eye on Design

Vogue Türkiye (in Turkish)



Humans of New York